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TheraCal PT

BISCO's TheraCal PT is a biocompatible, dual-cured, resin-modified calcium silicate designed for pulpotomy treatment. TheraCal PT maintains tooth vitality by performing as a barrier and protectant of the dental pulpal complex.

TheraCal PT’s chemical formulation consists of synthetic Portland cement calcium silicate particles in a unique hydrophilic matrix which facilitates calcium release. TheraCal PT is radiopaque allowing for easy identification and differentiation from recurrent decay and other restorative materials. TheraCal PT’s physical properties resist breakdown and degradation leading to a durable seal.


TheraCal PT

With automix tips and precise placement, this biocompatible, dual-cured, resin-modified calcium silicate is ideal for pulpotomies and pulp-capping procedures


TheraCalPT dual-cured calcium silicate When performing a dental procedure on a child, time is of the essence, especially when that child is wiggly, anxious, or inattentive—or all three. “Decreasing treatment time is extremely important when treating children with short attention spans,” shared pediatric dentist Dr. Tim Fagan. Since he performs about 75 pulpotomies each month, Dr. Fagan was seeking a pulpotomy material that didn’t require hand mixing because “hand mixing takes too much time.” He discovered BISCO’s TheraCal PT, a biocompatible, dual-cured, resin-modified calcium silicate for pulpotomy treatment with unique mixing tips that eliminate hand mixing altogether.

New to BISCO’s THERA product family, TheraCal PT is primarily indicated for pulpotomies and is placed after the partial or full removal of the coronal pulp. It’s also suitable for direct pulp capping and as a liner for direct and indirect pulp capping. Since he began using TheraCal PT, Dr. Fagan said pulpotomies and pulp-capping procedures take less time, which makes for happier patients and parents, and more efficient dental practices.


Ease of Mixing & Dispensing

The clinician attaches a special mixing tip to the 4g dual syringe and presses the plunger to mix and dispense TheraCal PT directly in the pulp chamber. “There is no mixing or dispensing from a bottle, and the material is not messy or sticky,” shared Dr. Shohreh Sharif, who said it improved chairside delivery

of care. Dr. Tiffany Lee noted, “Once primed the TheraCal PT flowed really nice and easily onto the dentin.”

Dr. Todd Sarubin described TheraCal PT as easy to use and said it “covers direct pulp caps with great accuracy.” He suggested a “smaller tip for dispensing minor increments into tiny spaces,” while Dr. Fagan recommended a larger diameter tip.

Praising its “uniform mix and consistency,” Greg McGann, DMD, told DPS that TheraCal PT makes procedures faster and easier, which is especially important with children. When treating a fussy child, TheraCal PT “saved minutes and allowed the assistant to move through the steps of handling the medicaments quickly,” he said.


Joshua Solomon, DDS, MS

"I would 100%
recommend for
pulpotomies on
primary teeth."

Todd Sarubin, DDS

"It's very good at
protecting the 
pulp, easy to apply,
bonded well, and
resulted in little,
if any, postop


Shohreh Sharif, DDS

"The material
handles well and
adapts to the pulpal
floor with minimal
Joshua Solomon,
Livermore, CA
Todd Sarubin, DDS
Pikesville, MD
Shohreh Sharif, DDS
Fairfax, VA

Ease of Placement

TheraCal PT treats exposed dentin and creates a protective barrier around the pulpal complex to help maintain tooth vitality. Because it is placed directly into the pulp chamber, TheraCal PT is ideal for deep cavity preparations. A unique hydrophilic matrix facilitates calcium release, and low water solubility

makes it tolerant of moisture.

“The material handles well and adapts to the pulpal floor with minimal manipulation,” shared Dr. Sharif. Dr. Joshua Solomon, who called TheraCal PT “very fast and easy to use,” said he liked using only one material for the pulpal medicament and buildup. Noting that it was occasionally a bit sticky, Dr. Lucynda Raben determined that TheraCal PT is “easy to use and seems to have good outcomes.”

Dr. Henry Phillips praised its “nice, easy application,” and Dr. Lee said, “This stayed perfectly in place, exactly where I put it, and it cured really nicely.”

“It’s very good at protecting the pulp, easy to apply, bonded well, and resulted in little, if any, sensitivity postop,” noted Dr. Sarubin, who said it doesn’t come off when etching and placing restorations. He explained, “[I had] several cases where decay was cleaned out, but pinpoint pulp exposures were evident with bleeding. After cleaning and drying and obtaining hemostasis, I placed TheraCal PT and restored the teeth. There were no subsequent reports of postop pain, and I have not had to start root canal therapy on any of the direct pulp caps.”


Working Time, Setting Time, & Time Savings

TheraCal PT has a working time of 45 seconds and a setting time of 5 minutes, and the dual-cured set allows for immediate placement of the restorative material. Calling it an “easy and fast-setting pulpotomy material,” Dr. Christina Do appreciated TheraCal PT’s fast working time. Dr. Solomon was pleased that his assistants did not need to mix any materials by hand and was glad that TheraCal PT did not contain formocresol. “I would 100% recommend [TheraCal PT] for therapeutic pulpotomies on primary teeth,” he added.

Dr. McGann found that switching to TheraCal PT required fewer steps and less material than products he previously used during pulpotomies, which helped him more efficiently manage his time. “[TheraCal  PT] expedited the restorative process, which ultimately improves the patient experience,” he said. “I feel this is a great alternative to using MTA for pulpotomies and is more cost-effective, faster and easier!”


"This is a great alternative to using MTA for pulpotomies and is more cost-effective, faster, and easier!"

-Gregory McGann, DMD

West Deptford, NJ


Overall Satisfaction

Most of the dentists who evaluated TheraCal PT said they would recommend this product to colleagues, including Dr. Raben, who called it a game changer. She explained, “It really seems to be superb. In several situations I thought I would be hearing from the patient with discomfort, but this did not happen. I am very pleased.” Dr. Sarubin concluded that using TheraCal PT gave him “the confidence to tell the patient that the tooth has been well sealed and protected, and probably won’t need root canal therapy in the future.”



•A biocompatible, dual-cured, resin-modified calcium silicate ideal for pulpotomies and pulp-capping procedures

•Primarily indicated for pulpotomies after the partial or full removal of the coronal pulp

•Suitable for direct pulp capping and as a liner for direct and indirect pulp capping

•Dual syringe with automix tip eliminates hand mixing and dispenses directly into chamber

evaluation snapshot

TheraCal PT

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Products are evaluated by dental professionals who use the products in their practices for about 4 weeks. The final score is calculated by combining an individual criteria average with an overall satisfaction average. All products are rated on a 5 to 1 scale.
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