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TrollBarrier for Composite Gun

The FDA recommends use of barriers on composite restorative guns to reduce contamination, while the CDC recommends barriers be used on clinical contact surfaces and equipment that is in contact with a patient. TrollDental’s TrollBarrier for composite gun is super soft and strong. Simply apply over the gun and proceed to use, discard barrier after use, and apply a new barrier for next patient. Using the TrollBarrier to cover the composite gun between patients cuts down on turnaround time and can prolong the life of the device.

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Infection-control protocols are essential to the success of any dental practice. Shielding your patients, staff, and yourself from bacteria means taking the time to effectively sterilize each instrument. But sometimes, extensive sterilization isn’t necessary—having some disposable products on hand erases the possibility of cross-contamination and ensures the safety of everybody involved.

Disposable barriers for dental products can help clinicians save time and improve infection-prevention procedures. Troll Dental’s TrollBarrier is designed to completely cover and protect a composite gun—and your patients—from contamination. The disposable sleeve is constructed of soft, strong plastic with smooth edges for patient comfort, and its elasticity allows for a great fit on most composite guns. Dentists and dental assistants can discard each barrier after one use, eradicating the need for a tedious sterilization process between appointments.

After evaluating TrollBarrier for DPS, Dr. Gary Johnson reported that it is a “unique product that simplifies treatment.” Calling it “a great disposable cover,” he said that this is the only product of its kind that he’s found. Many other evaluators praised the barrier’s efficient, no-fuss features.

Faster Process
By reducing the need for autoclaving between patients, TrollBarrier gives clinicians more time to complete restorations and other procedures. Dr. Lourdes Albandoz noted how the barrier improved her chairside experience, helping to “save time since the composite gun did not need to be sterilized between patients.” Sherwood Tucker, DDS, also liked how TrollBarrier saves chair time. “The disposable cover makes it unnecessary to spray the gun between patients,” he explained.

Michaela Popa, DMD, appreciated her ability to clean the composite guns faster, and Dr. Clara Lee stated, “[TrollBarrier provided] quicker room setup and breakdown.” Calling it a great product, Dr. David Thurman said his favorite feature was how the disposable cover “cut down on turnaround time.”

Consistent Infection Control
Because it’s made of strong material that’s disposable, TrollBarrier ensures reliable infection control for ultimate patient protection. By eliminating the sterilization process, composite guns maintain full functionality, reduce down time, and do not need to be replaced as often.

Dr. Berry Stahl admits that he did not enjoy the process of sterilizing his composite gun after every use. “[TrollBarrier] prolonged the life of the gun by not subjecting it to repeated heat and cooling cycles,” he shared. His practice efficiency also was improved because he did not need to wait for a gun to come out of the autoclave, which he said was a huge plus.

“TrollBarrier decreases the possibility of crosscontamination and the possibility that the composite syringe will need to be tossed,” said Dr. Tucker, explaining that even procedures involving high amounts of bodily fluids are safe from contamination. “[Cleaning] the composite syringe has never been a concern for me, but the use of this product has removed any lingering doubt.”

Gary Johnson, DDS
Berkeley, IL
“There was no learning curve for this product. My staff appreciated this addition!”
Dr. Andrew Mogelof noted, “By using a barrier, the composite gun was easier to disinfect.” Dr. Anthony Likes agreed, calling the infection-control quality “excellent.”

Easy to Place and Remove Barrier
According to Troll Dental, applying and removing TrollBarrier is an uncomplicated process because of its simple design. Dr. Aamna Nayyar said, “It is easy to place and remove—a perfect fit on the composite gun.” Describing the barrier as easy to use, especially during messy procedures, Dr. Mogelof explained that cleaning is efficient with most of the gun covered: “It made cleanup easier.” Dr. Tucker agreed, calling it a “well-thought-out product that works very well.”

A few evaluators suggested some refinements with regard to placement. While it did provide effective barrier protection, David Buchina, DMD, said his assistants found “it was not ‘form-fitting’ enough and it took too much effort to place.” He also mentioned that the barrier sometimes felt slippery, and made handling and control during procedures difficult. Dr. Likes agreed, expressing that he would like to see the slippery properties improved. Regarding the length of the barrier, Dr. Popa added, “Sometimes it’s a little challenging to change the composite uni-doses due to the plastic sleeve. But our office cuts it to fit the length of the composite gun, since each gun is a little bit different.”

Dr. Johnson, on the other hand, noted that TrollBarrier worked for him as a versatile product, saying, “There was no learning curve for this product. My staff appreciated this addition!”

Overall Satisfaction
Particularly for its durability and increased patient comfort, our evaluators gave TrollBarrier a Recommended Product rating. The majority of the evaluating group said they would recommend this product to contacts within the dental field for its time-saving qualities. “My colleagues and I all found it to be a big help,” stated Dr. Tucker.
Barrier is easy to place and remove from composite gun
Smooth edges and soft, strong plastic provide patient comfort
Eradicates the need to sterilize composite gun between patients
Disposable material saves cleanup time and improves infection control
evaluation snapshot

TrollBarrier for Composite Gun

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Products are evaluated by dental professionals who use the products in their practices for about 4 weeks. The final score is calculated by combining an individual criteria average with an overall satisfaction average. All products are rated on a 5 to 1 scale.
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