What Dentists Need in Order to Grow a Successful Multiple Location Practice


Dr. David Ting knows the joys and struggles of growing a dental group. Based in Las Vegas, Dr. Ting graduated dental school in 2000 and designed, built and established Boston Dental Group, now BDG Dental Services, in 2002. As of 2016, there were 23 BDG locations in Nevada, California and Arizona, with a team of 40 dentists and 250 employees. Dr. Ting’s success story reveals a common truth about ambition—sometimes it’s only limited by the tools and processes at your disposal.

When Dr. Ting began BDG, there was a shortage of dentists, which made it easier to expand locations. As more dentists began to practice in the area, however, increased competition forced prices down and the market got more competitive. Dr. Ting found that he couldn’t increase revenue by just finding more patients. Even when patient flow increases and production goes up, collection doesn’t necessarily increase proportionally to deliver net revenue. Rather, BDG’s profitability was correlated to maximizing efficiency.

In an effort to improve efficiencies, Dr. Ting was “multitasking to exhaustion” at his decentralized locations, which he equated to the definition of insanity—doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. He had reached the tipping point, and realized he needed a software solution that would centralize operations and maximize profits, allowing him to continue growing the practice.

A Long-Term Solution

Initially, centralization is costly, but it’s a long-term investment with “big picture” payoffs. It takes time to transition reporting and records to a new software, but any turbulence will be worth it in the end when your practice has a streamlined, efficient operating system. This was Dr. Ting’s experience, and why he chose a long-term partner in Henry Schein’s Dentrix Enterprise, a leading solution for large-group and multisite dental practices.

Several features of Dentrix Enterprise have helped BDG expand. They include:

->Centralized scheduling, billing, collections, continuing care appointments, accounting and insurance processing

->Hosted solution for thin-client access across multiple locations through cloud access

->Single patient and provider record

->Complete reporting for all locations

->Integrated electronic services for billing and claims

->Integrated third-party applications from trusted partners

Dentrix Enterprise is a scalable solution that fits as you grow, which is ideal for Dr. Ting who is expanding his organization overseas. Importantly, Dentrix Enterprise uses a client-server model that gives complete ownership of the system and data from start to finish. The mineable crystal report database allows organizations to write their own reports and pull data for any field. Customization is also available through professional services requests. It’s truly a solution that works for a dental organization’s unique needs.

Practicing the Dream

Based on his experiences with Dentrix Enterprise, Dr. Ting advises other group practices to set a solid foundation and realize their dream business by duplicating successes within their organization to create greater efficiencies, centralizing functions or operations to maximize economies of scale, standardizing wherever possible, and building their team and leadership from within. Taking these measures have allowed him to create an organization where patients receive the best care at every level from loyal employees who do what they do best and are passionate about their jobs.

Dr. Ting concluded, “By focusing on these elements, your organization will maximize growth and profits as your visions becomes true.”

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