A ‘Go-To’ Bone Substitute for Small & Large Defects

By: Dental Product Shopper

A ‘Go-To’ Bone Substitute for Small & Large Defects


Combining two validated regenerative materials, Geistlich vallomix introduces a versatile off-the-shelf solution for predictable vital bone restoration and proven long-term volume stability



When it comes to bone augmentation, it can be hard to find a singular solution that consistently meets a diversity of clinical needs—one that works for a range of procedures yet remains adaptable to each practitioner’s workflow preference. To address this common dilemma, market-leading biomaterials developer Geistlich has combined 2 of its validated regenerative materials into a single, convenient package. The world’s first xenogeneic/allogeneic validated bone substitute, Geistlich vallomix includes vallos, a demineralized cortical allograft, plus Geistlich Bio-Oss, a premier xenogeneic bone substitute. Together, this versatile and easy-to-use combination enables dentists to reliably restore vital bone and achieve longterm volume stability, even in the most demanding clinical situations.


Everyday Performance and Versatility

For everyday surgical management of both small and large defects, Hanae Saito, DDS, MS, CCRC, has found that the performance and versatility afforded by Geistlich vallomix qualify it as an ideal bone substitute. “Demineralized allograft is my ‘go-to’ material for guided bone regeneration (GBR), especially around the implant,” said Dr. Saito, who is the Director of Predoctoral Periodontics at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry. “In a classical periodontal defect or socket preservation, I could use vallos alone.” However, in other therapeutic areas that require greater volume stability—such as larger defects, sinus lifts, and other GBR procedures—Dr. Saito favors the dual benefits of mixing vallos fibers with Geistlich Bio-Oss granules.


“With larger defect sites, I prefer a material that can act as a scaffold but also has osteoinductive properties for new bone formation.” Verified vallos granules and fibers have been demineralized for high osteoinductivity, delivering rapid turnover of natural bone after 18 to 20 weeks. Geistlich Bio-Oss, on the other hand, has been shown to consistently maintain bone volume over time, ensuring an optimal scaffold for vascularization and new bone formation. Before being introduced to Geistlich vallomix, Dr. Saito also noted that she’s been a long-time user of Geistlich Bio-Oss, in part due to its known slow resorption rate, which she’s found particularly beneficial for sinus lift procedures. This desirable property is proven to increase the stability of the augmentation material, which is considered the best prerequisite for long-term dental implant survival rates.


hanae saito dds ms ccrc


“With larger defect sites, I prefer a material that can act as a scaffold but also has osteoinductive properties for new bone formation.”

- Hanae Saito, DDS, MS, CCRC


Easy Handling, Optimal Outcomes

According to Dr. Saito, “Features like particle size, texture, and handling properties,” are all key considerations when it comes to selecting bone substitutes. “If you’re not familiar with bone grafting,” as is the case with her periodontics residents, who are inexperienced in performing surgical procedures, “Geistlich Bio-Oss’ clinical characteristics can make it challenging to keep in place.” But the addition of vallos fibers, in her experience, “help overcome the issue of keeping the material in place.” Once combined, she explained, the materials become more moldable, making it easier to maintain the shape of the graft.


Dr. Saito pointed to a recent case example to illustrate the advantages of Geistlich vallomix’s combined handling properties. “In a scenario of implant failure that resulted in large defects, a regraft was needed. Typically, I might use a titanium-reinforced membrane to ensure the graft stays in place,” she recalled. But because of the texture imparted by vallos fibers, “the graft stayed in place, and we didn’t need to use the membrane.” As for the ultimate test—post-surgical bone formation—Geistlich vallomix also satisfied her expectations: “After 6 months,” which she explained is the minimum expected time for new bone formation in defects of this size, “the quality of bone we saw was favorable, indicating an ideal outcome.”

regenerative solutions backed by science


Go to vallomix.geistlich-na.com to learn more about the sciecen behind Geistlich vallomix and see clinical cases

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