Add Some Confidence to Your Core Buildups

By: Dental Product Shopper

With its simplified application technique, Core-Flo DC is ideal for post cementation and is highly stackable for core buildups—all without dripping or slumping



Core buildups are typically straightforward procedures, but they become increasingly challenging when minimal tooth structure remains for proper adhesion—especially in cases where teeth are severely compromised.


“I saw a patient with a compromised tooth on the brink of extraction due to deep decay close to the crest of the bone,” recalled Varo Boyer, DDS, FICOI.


The patient had already invested in root canal treatment to save the tooth and opted to proceed with restoring it after understanding the guarded prognosis. At that point, Dr. Boyer successfully delivered a post and completed a subgingival core buildup using BISCO’s CoreFlo DC.


“Knowing the properties of CoreFlo DC, I was comfortable having some of the buildup close to the crown margins, without worrying about accelerated margin or material breakdown.”


Strength Meets Versatility


CoreFlo DC is a dual-cured core buildup composite that is dispensed with an automix syringe. Its high compressive and flexural strength, coupled with excellent handling, flowability, and adaptability, makes it an ideal choice for core buildups, post-cementation, and as a dentin replacement material.


“My favorite indication is cementing a post and doing a core buildup simultaneously,” Dr. Boyer said. “The fact that I can use one material for both makes it easier and more efficient for time-consuming procedures. Since it is dual cure, I am confident that it will fully cure even in the deepest parts of the canal preparation."


He also appreciates having a durable material that isn’t easily damaged during preparation, resulting in more uniform and predictable outcomes. It's also very radiopaque, he added, making it easy to identify on radiographs and determine if crown lengthening is required. CoreFlo DC is available in 2 esthetic shades—Natural/A1 and Opaque White.


Peace of Mind in Every Case


“CoreFlo DC is my go-to for treating deep restorations, offering peace of mind during post cementation and large buildup cases,” Dr. Boyer continued. “In the past, when I was removing a patient’s provisional crown, I worried the buildup would come out with it. This is never the case with CoreFlo DC. It has great bond strength to tooth structure and great overall strength, allowing for a dentin like feeling during the preparation.” 

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