Category Spotlight: CORE-FLO DC and CORE-FLO DC Lite

By: Dental Product Shopper

Ideal for core buildup, post cementation, and as a dentin replacement material, both CORE-FLO and CORE-FLO DC Lite are dual-cure core materials that are delivered with an automix dual-syringe dispenser. CORE-FLO DC offers both compressive and flexural strength as well, reliability and ease of use, particularly when fabricating direct restorations. For example, a clinician can use the material to cement the post and build up the core with 1 single application. It’s both radiopaque and available in 2 esthetic shades, Natural A1 and Opaque White.


CORE-FLO DC Lite provides many of the same features, but it’s specifically designed to cement posts and build the core structure with an optimal self-leveling viscosity that allows for better overall adaptation. This means gap-free margins when replacing natural dentition with a direct core buildup. The kit is also available with Universal Primer, a low film thickness, dual-cured adhesive that’s ideal for those who prefer not to light cure.


Go with the Flow


Using dual-cured, flowable core materials offers many benefits to a dental practice, most notably the ability to save time when cementing posts and building the core. They also provide a void-free flow during cementation, along with a homogenous bond to substrates, making them reliably strong. 


In addition to reporting zero failures when using CORE-FLO DC, Dr. Charles Crowl noted, “It has great handling characteristics and is highly stackable on itself, so it can be used to build up a badly broken-down tooth. It completely cures with a 40-second light-cure time and cuts like dentin.”


Both materials offer high strength when creating foundations for crowns and direct restorations, with 2 different viscosities that are either stackable or self-leveling—ensuring predictability for core buildups, post-cementation, and dentin replacement. 

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