Centrix introduces DraganBerry™, our newest FluoroDose fluoride varnish flavor! Both

By: Dental Product Shopper

To commemorate our founder, Dr. William Dragan, and his 90th birthday this year, we’ve added this delightful new flavor, DraganBerry, to our award-winning line of FluoroDose® fluoride varnish!


This special berry blend was inspired by Dr. Dragan’s memories of stories his grandmother told him of growing up in what was then known as the historic Kingdom of Galicia, and today is part of Poland and Ukraine. She would tell of warm summer days spent picking sweet berries from the local forests which she turned into delicious treats.


Today, as a tribute to Dr. Dragan on this milestone birth year, we have tried to recreate the taste of his youth and this delicious berry flavor. We are excited to introduce DraganBerry™, our newest FluoroDose fluoride varnish flavor! Both children and adults alike will be delighted by this delicious and very special flavor. 


About FluoroDose® 

FluoroDose® fluoride varnish with xylitol is the most-awarded fluoride varnish on the market! It is loved by clinicians and patients alike for its smooth, non-clumpy texture, and great taste and feel. FluoroDose dries clear so there is no tooth discoloration. What’s more, our varnish comes in the sleek, patented LolliTray™ package, engineered to make every fluoride application easier, safer, faster, and more comfortable. FluoroDose is FDA-cleared for treating dentinal sensitivity.



DraganBerry REF #s:                                                     

360140   FluoroDose® DraganBerry, 120

360141   FluoroDose® DraganBerry, 600

360142   FluoroDose® DraganBerry, 1,200


To order or to learn more about FluoroDose and the new DraganBerry flavor, visit: centrixdental.com/product/fluorodose


About Centrix 

Centrix is a leading innovator of dental materials, preventive products, applicators, and delivery systems. We have spent over 
50 years developing new products and improving existing concepts to offer our customers solutions that make dentistry easier.


Starting with the original Mark ITM syringe, in 1970, and following with the Centrix C-R® and Mark IIIPTM syringe guns, Centrix provides the most comprehensive line of material delivery systems. We introduced the first unit-dose AccuDose® tubes and plugs for composites and other materials, and the first one-piece bendable head, disposable applicators: Benda® Brush and Benda®Micro. Realizing the importance of asepsis in the dental office, we developed the LolliPack® single-use package and the ergonomic, fully enclosed, patented, LolliTray™ packaging. Centrix FluoroDose® fluoride varnish has been recognized as the best fluoride varnish for many years running. We also offer the most complete line of temporization materials: Tempit® temporary filling and sealing material, Access® Crown temporary crown and bridge material, and NoMIX® temporary cement. 


Centrix products are available from all leading dental distributors or by calling Centrix at 800.235.5862. To learn more about the Centrix product line, visit us online at centrixdental.com


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