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exocad CAD/CAM Portfolio


exocad CAD/CAM Portfolio

The revolutionary impact of CAD/CAM equipment is widely recognized by dental practices across the country—and yet, as with acquiring any new technologies, there are some hurdles to jump. One barrier to adopting a digital workflow is making sure all of your equipment is compatible and provides you with a streamlined routine. Does this mean you need to buy all your big-ticket items from the same manufacturer? Fortunately not—exocad is making it simpler to dive into digital dentistry without being tied down to specific equipment.

“There’s a huge benefit in not locking yourself into a specific environment but rather learning a platform that can grow and evolve as business needs change,” said Dave Carballeyra, Product Marketing Director at exocad.

“With exocad, you no longer have to relearn software. It allows practices to plug and play different equipment components, so you can continue operating under the same umbrella.”

An Expanded Portfolio

Touching on all aspects of CAD/CAM, exocad software connects with a variety of intraoral and desktop scanners, as well as milling systems and 3D printers. Along with exocad’s offerings for dental technicians, its expanded collection of integrated tools for clinicians provides greater CAD/CAM freedom and accurate restorative results.

For implant planning and surgical guide design, exoplan guides dentists from planning to fabrication using a single digital workflow. And ChairsideCAD, an open-architecture CAD software, is designed to help clinicians implement single-visit dentistry. The intuitive software easily integrates with leading intraoral scanners and guides users through the entire fabrication process—from choosing a highly esthetic restorative design to expediting in-house milling, printing, or outsourced manufacturing.

“ChairsideCAD makes it easy for dentists to take a scan and either design and mill in-office or send it to a lab for manufacturing,” explained Carballeyra

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