How to Get: Healthy Gums & Whiter Teeth

By: Dental Product Shopper




























How to Get: Healthy Gums & Whiter Teeth


A non-invasive, at-home treatment that kills pathogenic bacteria, encourages healthy bacterial growth and leads to 2 sought-after side effects: fresher breath and whiter teeth


Sometimes, the best answer comes in the form of a question. Justin W. Kleinman, DMD, believes he can spread the word about a noninvasive gum disease treatment by asking just one question: With more than half the U.S. population presenting to general dentistry with some level of periodontal disease, can more be done to slow down its progression and maintain healthy gums? The answer is "yes." Dr. Kleinman, who practices in Westminster, MD, points to a tool that can “hold the line,” prevent the downward spiral of gum disease from progressing, and better manage bacteria—all from the comfort of a patient’s home. It’s called the Perio Protect treatment.


Holding that Bacterial Line!


“I first started treating refractory patients and I saw amazing results with significant decreases in bleeding on probing, and less calculus buildup at recalls,” Dr. Kleinman explained. “In fact, I’ve had several patients who had 7-mm pockets that reduced to 3 mm!”


With FDA clearance and clinical trial research, the Perio Tray medicament carrier is a proven home care tool to deliver medication deep into periodontal pockets where floss, toothbrushes, and rinses can't reach. Clinical studies tell the results: Patients who used the Perio Protect treatment saw a 75% reduction in bleeding. The treatment delivers a broad-spectrum antimicrobial in the form of a 1.7% concentration of hydrogen peroxide. While it initially kills pathogenic bacteria, the bubbles from the hydrogen peroxide release oxygen deep into periodontal pockets, allowing healthy bacteria to repopulate. Gums are a gateway to the body’s major organs, and there’s no denying the strong link between oral health and overall health. 


Side Effects that Patients Welcome


"Patients say the trays are comfortable and they are making it a part of their daily regimen," shared Dr. Kleinman, "and no one has asked for their money back, which is always a good sign!"


Perio Protect is one of the rare treatments with side effects that patients actually welcome—namely fresher breath and whiter teeth. While typical whitening treatments deliver an average of 3% hydrogen peroxide, Perio Protect contains 1.7% hydrogen peroxide, which results in a gentler, more gradual whitening without painful sensitivity issues.


“It's a handy product and something that general dentists can add to their toolbox," said Dr. Kleinman. "Especially if dentists are witnessing things going downhill, this is one method that can stave off tooth loss and disease progression,” he added.