Meet Your Peers, Jumpstart New Ideas

By: Dental Product Shopper

























Meet Your Peers, Jumpstart New Ideas


AADOM23 welcomes dental office staff for 3 days of insightful, motivating CE presentations, over 100 exhibits, and networking opportunities with peers


Today’s workforce has hundreds of professions, but if there’s one thing they all have in common, it’s the need to know others who work in the same field. Everyone needs peers—people who walk the same walk and talk the same talk. It’s no different in dentistry. Take, for instance, the role of office managers. The American Association of Dental Office Management (AADOM) is a valuable resource for dental office managers—and time is fast approaching for AADOM’s 18th annual dental management conference.


 It's All About the Networking


 “The biggest benefit from this conference is networking, both nationally and locally,” said Debbie Evans, Diplomate, AADOM, and Practice Administrator/VP at Wainright & Wassel DDS, in Raleigh, NC. “I also learn about new products, with the hope of implementing them into our practice. My doctors love the ideas I bring back!”

A 3-day event from September 7–9 at Loews Sapphire Falls Resort at Orlando's Universal Studios, AADOM23 will feature 100+ exhibits, over 60 exciting CE courses from some of the best motivational speakers in dentistry, networking opportunities, and a charity project event—with an anticipated 1,000 attendees from all over the world.


 “This conference has introduced me to remarkable speakers who we have then invited to speak at our local AADOM Triangle Chapter meetings,” added Evans. Along with copresenters Teresa Spence, Jennifer Steadman, and Lorie Streeter, Evans will lead a course called “The Four Pillars of Effective Leadership, It Starts With YOU!” Course attendees can earn CE toward the 3 levels of designations offered by AADOM’s Dental Distinction Program: Fellowship, Mastership, and Diplomate.


In addition to front office staff, many clinicians also attend the national conference. Lindell Kemmet, DDS, of Kemmet Dental Design, Minot, ND, has attended in the past and plans to go this year, along with some of his staff.


“Running the business is probably the hardest part of our job,” Dr. Kemmet explained. “With this conference, I can keep my finger on the pulse of the business and learn about new technologies. AADOM really understands running the business of dentistry, and I think that’s a very important aspect of the job.”