One Flowable Composite, So Many Possibilities

By: Dental Product Shopper

With 2 viscosities and 6 shades, Patterson Flowable Composite is a versatile solution that makes it easy to deliver exceptional results in a range of indications



Once a niche solution, flowable resin composites have become a staple of modern dental practices. These materials owe their popularity to the predictability and efficiency they bring to many clinical scenarios—whether lining complex cavity preparations or repairing small defects, dentists can depend on flowables to achieve optimal outcomes with a minimally invasive approach. While today’s crowded market of restorative materials presents clinicians with a multitude of options, one reliable choice is Patterson Flowable Composite.


Two Versatile Viscosities


Ever since Kalpesh Mehta, DMD, MS, and several other DPS evaluators awarded Patterson Flowable Composite as a Best Product in 2023, the radiopaque, light-cured material has been a mainstay of his Lake Mary, FL, practice.


According to Dr. Mehta, what makes this flowable such an “attractive” solution is that it comes in 2 versatile viscosities. In his experience, the Low Viscosity is not only ideal as a cavity liner, but it also shines in a range of minimally invasive applications. “It has excellent flow and seals pits and fissures well,” he said, adding that the smoothness of the material after curing minimizes the need for polishing.


As for the Regular Viscosity, Dr. Mehta shared that it “makes its case” when used as a base in Class I and II restorations, largely thanks to its self-leveling, non-slumping, thixotropic formula. Patterson Flowable Composite is additionally indicated for Class III and IV restorations, to treat abrasions, splinting, and abfractions, as well as to repair defects, create minor core buildups, cover stains, cement veneers, and block out undercuts.



Efficiency in Every Procedure


Patterson Flowable Composite features a unique blend of fillers that enable easy, efficient handling and give clinicians total control over application. Combined with a convenient 2-gram syringe delivery system, the material ensures precise placement and superior adaptation in every procedure.


Dr. Mehta pointed to a few other product benefits that consistently streamline his workflows and save valuable chair time. “Patterson Flowable Composite reduces the need for any additional base materials; its self-leveling property eliminates time spent manipulating the material, and its curing ability is so good it can be placed in thicker layers,” he said. “All these things have made me more efficient and minimized the time it takes to achieve the final result.”


Lifelike Esthetics, Lasting Results


Both of Patterson Flowable Composite’s viscosities are available in 6 VITA shades—A1, A2, A3, A3.5, 2XB, and Incisal—each with great color stability and tooth-like fluorescence. “I have used the clear and enamel shades as a final layer to give restorations a more lifelike appearance,” Dr. Mehta shared.



He likewise reported that the material’s polishability is “excellent” and imparts restorations with a “glass-like” finish. Given that Patterson Flowable Composite also offers high flexural and compressive strength and releases beneficial fluoride ions, it’s a product any clinician can count on to deliver esthetic results that stand the test of time.