For nearly 3 years, I have been happily using Millennium Dental Technologies? PerioLase MVP- 7 Nd:YAG laser for the LANAP and LAPIP protocols. Before that, I followed the buzz about it in the periodontal community, but in the laser arena, we were previously burned by marketing claims that never panned out. I was an experienced diode laser user, but it mostly sat in my supply closet as it didn?t meet my practice needs. Diodes are designed primarily for cutting and are slow, I typically finished a surgical procedure conventionally in less time than it took me to set up the diode.
Proven Track Record
Then I got some feedback from colleagues, many of whom were my former students at Penn dental school. Universally, they were all having great results with the PerioLase MVP-7 in treating teeth and dental implants. Further piquing my curiosity was Millennium?s guarantee of clinical results. Before Millennium even ships the laser, they require a 3-day intensive training on patients, a commendable posture and further indication of the company?s confidence it the laser and the treatment protocol. Broad Applications After the training, I never looked back.
In my years of practice, I have placed somewhere in the neighborhood of 9000 implants. Not surprisingly, I see a fair number of these patients back with peri-implantitis brought on mostly for the same reasons they lost their teeth in the first place?poor home care. I use the LAPIP (laser-assisted peri-implantitis procedure) protocol to treat these ailing implants with consistent and positive results.
I use the PerioLase MVP-7 for the patented LANAP (laser assisted new attachment procedure) protocol, which is full-mouth periodontitis therapy. The Nd:YAG wavelength (1064 nm) targets pigment for absorption, instead of the water absorption of other tissue lasers. Because both inflamed tissue and bacteria that cause perio and implant disease are pigmented, the PerioLase MVP-7 targets these pigmented sites, leaving healthy tissue mostly unaffected.
Another major indication for laser pocket therapy is the maintenance patient who suffers from recurrence of active disease. With the PerioLase MVP-7, I can treat these localized areas consistently, comfortably, conservatively, and successfully.
Minimally Invasive
The PerioLase MVP-7 is absolutely indispensable for treatment of teeth and implants in the esthetic zone. While conventional procedures can result in significant tissue shrinkage, resulting in an unesthetic outcome, the PerioLase MVP-7 minimizes the risk of shrinkage. With the LANAP and LAPIP procedures, the excellent penetration of the laser energy into the hard and soft tissues negates the need to widely reflect the gingivae, dramatically reducing postoperative morbidity. Patients routinely report the lack of postoperative pain and swelling.
The PerioLase MVP-7 is a great addition to our armamentarium for the treatment of the periodontium and dental implants. It offers multiple additional settings, including bio-stimulation, a major healing accelerator. The PerioLase MVP-7 would boost clinical success in any general or specialty practice.