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By: Dental Product Shopper



A graduate of the University of Michigan School of Dentistry, Dr. Gupta completed a general practice residency at MetroHealth Hospital in Cleveland and opened his from-scratch practice, North Ridgeville Family Dentistry, in 2005 near Cleveland, OH. Realizing that skills as an entrepreneur did not come naturally, he began personal and professional “experiments” in self-improvement. More than a decade later, he enjoys excellent new-patient numbers and case acceptance, a solution-oriented dental team, and, most importantly, meaningful and positive identity. He shares his failures and successes with dental and community groups throughout the country, and invites questions and comments at drgupta@ northridgeville familydentistry.com.



ankur gupta




A versatile reciprocating system and ergonomic
handpiece that can tackle multiple treatments—
from cosmetic and hygiene to periodontics, as
well as IPR for clear aligner systems


Through its online education community and live events, DentalXP provides educational content from dentists who are widely recognized as experts in their fi eld. Nearly a decade ago, Dr. Paul Mikhli attended a DentalXP symposium that he found unique in the fi eld of dentistry. Here, he explains why he has kept coming back over the years and why he recommends others do the same.



Whenever I do a Class II or III interproximal restoration, the most difficult place to get a smooth, perfect finish is below the gingiva in between the two teeth, and I’ve never been able to find a tool that allows me to effectively achieve this. For example, interproximal finishing strips are difficult to slide in between the contact—not to mention challenging to place, especially in the posterior.


The Profin Reciprocating System has changed all that, thanks to its choice of contra-angles and flat Lamineer diamond tips that move in a reciprocating axial direction. Even when there is something foreign in the interproximal space that I can't pop out with floss or an explorer, such as a piece of tartar or some cement, the Profin's rigid tips move at a high velocity in the reciprocating handpiece to ensure that any foreign matter is eliminated quickly and efficiently. Before I discovered the Profin, I would often use a periodontal curette in these scenarios, which was very messy. I didn’t feel I had the control I wanted, which made the end result unpredictable.


If I see an interproximal overhang or anything that’s not perfect interproximally, even during a hygiene visit, I immediately reach for the Profin. Every time I’ve had to clean something in the interproximal area, smooth it out, and make it a great finish, the Profin has been effective—and I never have to worry about cutting my patient’s lips or tongue.profin case study 


Where Ergonomics Meets Efficiency

I am in the second half of my career, so dentistry that doesn’t cause my body to hurt is increasingly important. Working with the Profin doesn’t create an ergonomic issue with my hands because it’s attached to a handpiece. I’ve been using the Profin for several months now, and I’m surprised at how atraumatic it is. My patients have noticed this, too. It’s simple, convenient, and comfortable for all parties involved.


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