Stepping into the Future of Oral Care

By: Dental Product Shopper

DPS readers agree that Curodont Repair Fluoride Plus, a noninvasive chairside treatment that enables Guided Enamel Remineralization of "watch areas," is an indispensable



Clinicians have long been trained to use a watch-and-wait approach when faced with early-stage caries. But that’s all changing, thanks to a new weapon in the fight against tooth decay: Curodont Repair Fluoride Plus—a noninvasive treatment that bridges the gap between prevention and restoration.


“I saw an ad about a material that was supposed to help with remineralizing incipient lesions in the enamel, and I just thought it was fascinating,” shared Craig Aebli, DDS, MS, FAGD. “There really wasn’t much available prior to this that could help with decalcified or incipient lesions in the enam­el,” he added. “So, we saw it as a good opportunity to add this extra preventive measure for our patients.”


Dentistry's New Chapter


A biomimetic, brush-on system that tackles early caries through Guided Enamel Remineralization, Curodont Repair Fluoride Plus employs a patented formulation that helps min­erals diffuse into the tooth to remineralize the enamel.


“I think the best patients for Curodont Repair Fluoride Plus treatment are those who have white spot or decalcified lesions on the facial and buccal surfaces of their teeth, espe­cially post-ortho patients,” Dr. Aebli explained. “A lot of these patients you can watch, but these areas will eventually turn into decay once the enamel surface gets too decalcified. This material can prevent that from happening—you just apply Curodont Repair Fluoride Plus to the tooth and let the patient wait for 5 minutes. It's immensely easy and totally painless, and if it prevents a cavity, then it has done its job.”


Improving the Daily Workflow


This year, DPS readers deemed Curodont Repair Fluoride Plus a winner in the Caries Prevention & Treatment category, as well as Best New Products. It's become an integral part of the daily workflow in practices such as Dr. Aebli's in Sanford, FL.


“When I talk to patients about potential cavity areas, I tell them there’s this new material we can apply that’s totally pain-free and can help remineralize the enamel," he said. "Patients react very positively and are very interested in trying a preventive treatment first, rather than waiting until it turns into a cavity.”


With a quick, easy application, Curodont Repair Fluoride Plus can be applied to all tooth surfaces and diffuses through the lesion within 3 to 5 minutes to start the remineralization process. It will not cause staining and is safe to use for every patient, including children. 

An Easy, Pain-Free Option


“When patients return for recalls, we look at the area where we applied Curodont Repair Fluoride Plus and make sure that the enamel is still firm and not deteriorating, and that's pretty much what I've seen so far,” Dr. Aebli shared.


With the opportunity to help patients by treating early caries in just 5 minutes of chair time with an easy integration in existing workflows, practices can boost production with a product that promotes oral and overall health while providing a positive patient experience.


“To me, Curodont Repair Fluoride Plus is a great option to give patients," said Dr. Aebli. "It makes me feel good that I can do something preventive for my patients that's easy to apply, is totally pain-free, and non-invasive. I've always stressed and tried to do as much preventive care as possible with our patients, so when we have a product like this available, it's a great adjunct to our armamentarium.”

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