TheraBase: The Latest ADdition to BISCO's Thera Family
Dual-curing, self-adhesive, calcium-releasing base/liner is the latest addition to BISCO’s Thera family of therapeutic materials
Alkaline pH. Dual curing. Hydrophilic. Calcium and fluoride release. High strength. The beneficial properties of TheraBase are not just marketing hype. They are borne out of the other time-tested products in BISCO’s Thera family, and translate into chairside efficiency and success.
“The impetus for developing TheraBase was user demand from our TheraCal LC users,” said Dr. Rolando Nuñez, BISCO’s Manager of Clinical Research. “TheraCal LC as a liner can’t be placed thicker than 1 mm. So, doctors would have to apply more to create a base, or cover it with a glass ionomer, for example. TheraBase fills this gap with its dual-curing capabilities.”
Still need more convincing?
Here’s 3 unique benefits of TheraBase that make it an ideal base or liner:
1. Continuous calcium and fluoride release1
This is enhanced by BISCO’s proprietary hydrophilic matrix that promotes ion exchange: water enters the non-dissolving matrix, reacts, and allows calcium hydroxide and fluoride ions to be released. “BISCO has fine-tuned the resin matrix, allowing the highest degree of calcium release of any resin material,” Dr. Nuñez said.
2. Alkaline pH
This ongoing ion exchange results in a higher pH; alkaline pH promotes pulp vitality.
3. High strength
TheraBase shows high resistance to fracture with its high flexural strength. Additionally, exceptional compressive strength helps it absorb and withstand shock and stress from occlusal force.
Simple Delivery & Technique
Along with its notable clinical and patient-focused benefits, TheraBase offers convenience and ease of handling. It is supplied in a dual-barrel syringe with automix cannula tips that create a consistent and accurate mix. This direct delivery system minimizes waste.
“Familiar to any clinician,” is how Dr. Nuñez describes the technique for using TheraBase. “The technique is simple and straightforward: keep dentin moist and then place TheraBase into the prep. There is no learning curve or need for special equipment,” he noted.
Because TheraBase is self-adhesive (with the help of the MDP monomer), the placement time and cost of bonding agents are eliminated. And while it can be light cured, its dual-cure ability allows it to fully polymerize chemically—even in the deepest restorations. Once placed, TheraBase is highly radiopaque for simple identification and accurate diagnosis.
"The TheraBase technique is simple and straightforward. There is no learning curve or need for special equipment."
-Dr. Rolando Nunez
BISCO's Manager of Clinical Research
A Growing Thera Family
BISCO’s expanding Thera line has proven itself to be the leader in the resin-modified calcium silicate market.
“These types of materials have been around for a while, but TheraBase, as well as BISCO’s other Thera products, offer stability, strength, and ease of use, along with their many therapeutic benefits,” added Dr. Nuñez. “Every material used in the restorative process can benefit from Thera technology, which aims to simplify procedures for clinicians, while elevating the results they deliver to their patients."
Dental professionals can expect BISCO’s research and development team to continue breaking new ground on the Thera front, as its scientists and clinicians find even more ways to streamline the restorative process and improve clinical outcomes.
Sandwich Technique
When treating exposed pulp, TheraCal LC can be used for pulp capping and as a liner. TheraBase can then be placed in the sandwich technique, creating what Dr. Nunez calls a “calcium explosion” for maximum pulp protection.
Click here to explore BISCO's complete Thera family and request free samples for your office.
Reference 1. Gleave CM, Chen L, Suh BI. Calcium & fluoride recharge of resin cements. Dent Mater. 2016 (32S):e26.