Thinner Is Always Better with Articulating Foil

By: Dental Product Shopper

Thinner Is Always Better with Articulating Foil


The world’s thinnest articulating foil, TrollFoil 4.5 provides precise and accurate markings with a convenient pre-mounted frame for easy placement and maneuverability


trolldental 4.5

Thinness is one of those traits that’s guaranteed to be something nearly everyone wants—and it’s no different with articulating foil. After all, a thin articulating foil greatly increases accuracy, which in turn leads to more successful patient outcomes. That concept is not lost on TrollDental, a DirectaDentalGroup company. Realizing the connection between thinness and precision, the company spent years carefully researching and developing the TrollFoil 4.5, which was introduced in 2021. It is the thinnest articulating foil in the world.


TrollFoil 4.5 is only 4.5 microns thin, a design feature that surpasses the previous TrollFoil Blue and TrollFoil Red, both of which measured 8 microns thin. Thicker foils generate a less uniform and larger occlusal contact area, while thinner foils allow for smaller occlusal contact markings and more accurate results. In her over 30 years of practicing dentistry, Ronni Brown, DDS, MPH, a public health dentist in Sonoma County, CA, said she has never found an articulating foil that works better than TrollFoil 4.5.


ronni brown dds mph


“I feel very assured that the paper is marking precisely, and I am confident that it is picking up the occlusion with a high degree of accuracy.”

- Ronni Brown, DDS, MPH



Thinness = Precision

“The thinness of this articulating foil means it’s very precise,” Dr. Brown explained. “It’s easy to see the points of occlusion and it marks very easily. The marks are well defined and I know exactly where I need to adjust. With thicker paper, the point of contact often can be blurred, and this can also happen when your patients go into lateral movements, so it really comes down to precision.”


This Ink Won’t Smudgethis ink wont smudge 

While other foils are made with a wax-based color, TrollFoil 4.5 is made with a carbon-based color, which allows for precise markings and eliminates the common problem of smearing. Made of blue foil with a removable protective strip and inked on both sides, TrollFoil 4.5 is designed to cover half the dental arch. In addition, the foil is suitable for use on wet, dry, or highly polished surfaces.


“I appreciate the ease of use because I can use it on a wet or dry surface and it won’t smudge, and once I have established the occlusion, it’s easy to wipe off,” Dr. Brown explained. “It’s great not to have patients leaving with blue smudges on their teeth that are hard to clean off. With this foil, my patients can leave with beautifully restored teeth and without any residual marks,” she continued.


Easy Placement

TrollFoil 4.5 is mounted in a semi-rigid frame which means the foil is always flat, straight, and stretched. Since it is mounted on a rigid, thick spine, clinicians don’t need to use an articulating paper holder or forceps, a fact that Dr. Brown finds particularly beneficial in her busy workflow.


“Because it’s pre-mounted, I have something I can hold easily, so I can place it exactly where I want it to be. Oftentimes, when you have articulating paper in a forceps, it will pull away from the forceps, when the patient bites down causing a need to continually readjust the paper into the forceps; a problem that I don’t have with TrollFoil!” Dr. Brown said. “I’m also always concerned that my patient may accidentally bite down on the metal beak of the articulating forceps but with TrollFoil 4.5, it’s forceps-free, so that’s no longer a concern. Plus, I’m working with a less-cluttered tray, which adds to workflow efficiency. I have one piece of articulating paper that will sustain the entire appointment and is never torn. I would say it minimizes the frustration for me during a restorative appointment,” she added.


The combination of thinness for accuracy and precision, a thick spine for forceps-free, easy placement, smudge-free ink, a simple cleanup, and a less-cluttered tray positively contributes to Dr. Brown’s workflow efficiency as well.


“I feel very assured that the paper is marking precisely, and I am confident that it is picking up the occlusion with a high degree of accuracy,” she added. “Best of all, I have not had any patients returning to me to say they feel their occlusion is off, so that’s a testimony to its level of precision. I can establish those precise contacts quickly, and those marks are clear and easy to see, so it’s definitely made everything easier."


To browse the entire TrollDental product line, as well as view helpful videos on TrollFoil, go to

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