Optimize Your Temporaries and Save Yourself From that Weekend Call



Optimize Your Temporaries and Save Yourself From that Weekend Call


Every successful dentist should be able to achieve that optimal work-life balance—practicing certain days and off others, with plenty of time to enjoy their life outside the office. That said, as a healthcare professional, there’s always the chance you’ll get a call to address a patient’s urgent need. Often, that Friday night or Saturday morning phone call is from a patient whose temporary has come off.


Many dentists have found out that they don’t need to live with such intrusions—they’ve moved on to products that provide better outcomes and reduce the chance of restorative failure. When it comes to temporary cement, there is an option that dentists have found will not come off until they’re ready to take it off. Cling2 from Clinician’s Choice features a small addition of polycarboxylate resin to provide extra adhesion and prevent premature dislodgement.

Easy On, Easy Off


When applying the cement, no mixing is necessary, so there’s no mess. The automix formulation is bubble-free and can be applied directly into the crown, bridge, inlay, or onlay; while featuring an efficient 30-second working time and 60- to 90-second set time.


While it’s in place, Cling2 has special properties to benefit tissue health and provide patient comfort. As a bacteriostatic agent, the material reduces gingival plaque retention and inflammation in the sulcus. Cling2 actually soothes the tooth, helping to prevent sensitivity and allowing for a better patient experience. When the patient returns, you will not encounter smelly old cement or irritated tissue.


Speaking of the patient’s return ... that extra adhesion that has kept the temporary in place does not mean removal will be difficult. To the contrary, the resin makes the temporary cement a little stiffer than others, allowing for easy removal. Most of the cement will come off, too, remaining inside the temporary. Any remaining cement on the preparation will simply flake off. 


“Cling2 is a great cement—easy to place, easy to clean up, easy to remove, and it makes the tooth comfortable,” said dental educator Dr. Michael Miyasaki. Click here to learn more about why Dr. Miyasaki uses Cling2.


As a self-contained system with a compact size, Clingis an ideal, economical choice for practices with multiple operatories. Learn about the product here.