A Tale of One Company, 3 Restorative Solutions

By: Dental Product Shopper

From desensitizing and bonding to single-shade color matching, a California clinician recounts how Tokuyama's award-winning materials fit the bill for every treatment in his restorative workflow 



James Peyton, DDS, has more than 4 decades of experience practicing dentistry, and by his own admission, he's seen a good number of restorative materials come and go. But to a roomful of soon-to-be dental school grads who are about to embark on their own dental career, he has some very helpful advice.


“You just can’t go wrong with these Tokuyama products,” Dr. Peyton shared. “First, they’re very proven. Second, they’re quality restoratives from a good, solid company. And third, I really like them!”


Dr. Peyton is talking about the OMNICHROMA family of composites, Tokuyama Universal Bond, and Shield Force Plus desensitizer—3 materials that comprise the centerpiece of his restorative workflow. And, Dr. Peyton is not alone in his assessment. This award-winning trio earned high marks and wowed a team of dental evaluators who tested the products for DPS to determine if they lived up to their claims. And, they clearly did just that.




For Dr. Peyton, first on his list of go-to’s is the OMNICHROMA family of restoratives. The world’s first universal composite that can match every tooth—from A1 to D4—with a single shade, the OMNICHROMA family, which includes OMNICHROMA, OMNICHROMA Flow, OMNICHROMA Flow BULK, features Smart Chromatic Technology and uniformly sized supra-nano spherical fillers that allow for a wide color-matching ability. Matching every one of the 16 VITA classical shades, OMNICHROMA eliminates valuable time spent shade-matching and reduces composite inventory.


“It’s going to save you a bunch of money, because you don’t have to buy all these different composites to match the shades of your patients’ teeth,” Dr. Peyton shared. “It’s also especially great for younger dentists who might not have a good eye for color just yet,” he added. “You won’t need to, because it will provide that for you.”


Representing the first use of structural color in composite dentistry, OMNICHROMA offers unprecedented color matching, high polishability, exceptional handling, and high wear resistance and compressive strength.


“You know it’s popular when we see all the other dental manufacturers trying to copy what OMNICHROMA can do‚" said Dr. Peyton. "They’re all trying to get on the bandwagon!” he added.


The creamy texture of OMNICHROMA is perfectly tailored for sculpting anatomy and is recommended for Class IIIs, IVs, diastema, and veneers. Well-suited for Class Vs and IIs when preps are 2 mm or less, the medium viscosity of OMNICHROMA Flow can be used for incremental layering, cavity lining, direct anterior and posterior restorations, and repair of porcelain and composite restorations. 


OMNICHROMA Flow BULK is a low-viscosity material with low polymerization shrinkage that can be placed in 3.5-mm increments and is suitable for both anterior and posterior restorations. OMNICHROMA BLOCKER and OMNICHROMA BLOCKER Flow are supplemental materials that can be used as a lingual shelf or to mask staining and discoloration.


“These products are essentially foolproof,” said Dr. Peyton. “Once you fully cure, it brings the color out from beneath, and it matches—it’s pretty amazing stuff!”


Shield Force Plus


Speaking of “amazing” restorative materials from Tokuyama, Dr. Peyton also shared similar positive experiences he’s had with Shield Force Plus desensitizer, a DPS Recommended product. Light-cured, fast, effective, and easy to use, Shield Force Plus is a chairside solution that both prevents postop sensitivity and treats hypersensitive dentin, offering 3 years of relief. Dr. Peyton often reaches for Shield Force Plus when, during dental and hygiene exams, patients point out specific areas that are causing them pain.


“I use Shield Force Plus for sensitivity at the gumline,” he shared. “Sometimes, when patients have recession and are experiencing pain there, and as long as I don't see decay or nerve damage, we’ll apply Shield Force Plus. This desensitizer seals the dental tubules, offers protection, and usually takes away the sensitivity.” 


Shield Force Plus features a unique Double Block Technology that offers 2 layers of protection against sensitivity. The first layer penetrates the dentinal tubules for immediate pain relief, while the second layer forms a protective barrier on dentin, protecting it from additional abrasion and future sensitivity. If applied under a restoration, Shield Force Plus can increase bond strength, seal margins, and minimize or eliminate postop sensitivity—all of which have been proven to be the usual culprits for restorative failures.


Tokuyama Universal Bond


Tokuyama Universal Bond is a 2-component, single-application bonding agent that can be used for all direct and indirect restorations. Fully compatible with light-, self-, and dual-cured composites, it does not require additional activators or primers and promotes self-curing and high bond strength. True to its “universal” name, it's a "go-to" bonding agent for Dr. Peyton.


“If you’re looking for a bonding material that’s easy to use for the anterior, posterior, and for different segmentation processes, this does the job,” he added. 


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