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Bisco: All-Bond Universal

By: Dental Product Shopper

All-Bond Universal


An all-in-one, single-bottle solution that combines etching, priming, and bonding


All-Bond Universal is well known in the dental world for being the first truly universal adhesive. Countless dentists have becomeall bond universal best product loyal users over the years thanks to its versatility and ease of use. For Dr. Gary Radz, an educator and author with a practice in Denver, CO, it's the exceptional bond strength that makes all the difference.


“What I’m most excited about is that, in 4-plus years of using All-Bond Universal on hundreds of veneer cases, I have not had a single debonding or report of sensitivity,” Dr. Radz said. “I love anything that makes my life easier and more predictable. This is one of my favorite products. I couldn’t imagine any reason to switch.”


Beyond its bond strength to all substrates, AllBond Universal is an all-in-one solution. No separate activator is required—the product is an etchant, primer, and adhesive all in one, with just one bottle for all indications. The adhesive is compatible with all light-, dual-, and self-cured resin composite and cement materials, and can be used for both direct and indirect procedures.


The adhesive is not sensitive to moisture and can be used on wet, dry, or moist tooth structure. Its low film thickness allows the material to readily flow into etched surfaces and offers both chemical and mechanical sealing.


“All-Bond Universal is critical to a majority of the dentistry that I do every day. All of my restorative dentistry—including my crown and bridge, and my veneer work—relies on it,” said Dr. Radz. “All-Bond Universal is consistent and reliable.”


A Time-Tested Favoriteall-bond universal 4 unique benefits 

A game-changer in dentistry when it debuted in 2012, the bonding agent represented the culmination of 30 years of research at BISCO. Soon after, DPS evaluators awarded All-Bond Universal a Best Product rating for its versatility, ease of use, reliability, and lack of postoperative sensitivity. Years later, many of those original evaluators reported they were still using the product and confirmed that the hydrophobic formula delivered long-term results, thanks in part to the MDP monomer that provides enhanced durability.


Dr. Radz, known internationally as a leader in cosmetic dentistry, is now among those longtime users. He considers All-Bond Universal his go-to adhesive that allows him to achieve multiple successful outcomes every day. He noted its reliability, affordability, and the fact that “postoperative sensitivity is almost zero” as reasons every dentist should consider the product. “It can be used for all restorative procedures with excellent clinical results,” he said. “There’s strong scientific evidence of its clinical success.”

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