Embrace the Power of Reveal Clear Aligners for Fast & Accurate Results

By: Dental Product Shopper





Dr. McFarlane is a
1984 graduate of
the University of
Manitoba’s DMD
program, and a
1992 graduate of
the University of
Western Ontario as
a Certified Specialist
in Orthodontics. He
is a Fellow of the
Royal College of
Dentists of Canada
and a Diplomate of
the American Board
of Orthodontics.
Furthermore, he is a Fellow of the Pierre Fauchard Academy and a Mensan. He maintains two
practices in Ontario,
Canada, and
travels and teaches
orthodontics all
over the world.














































Embrace the Power of Reveal Clear Aligners for Fast & Accurate Results


As clear aligner therapy continues to gain popularity among our patients and make its way into an increasing number of general and orthodontic practices, it must evolve in a way that meets treatment needs on both sides of the chair. For example, both practitioners and patients require clear aligners that not only fit accurately and provide near-invisible clarity but that offer efficiency of treatment with fewer attachments and case refinements.



While in the past there were few options from which to choose, clear aligners are now offered by several manufacturers with varying perks and benefits. For me, the advantages of Henry Schein’s next-generation Reveal Clear Aligner system are, quite literally, clear. In my experience, these clear aligners offer:

•    Remarkable clarity when compared with other brands

•    Lasting stain resistance

•    A profound “grip” on the teeth due to how the plastic is manufactured and a trimline at the gingival margin

•    Decreased need for attachments

•    More thorough expression of the movements dialed into the aligners

•    Fewer case refinements

•    Fewer posterior open bites

•    Faster treatment completion


Case in Point

A 54-year-old female presented to the office with the chief concerns of a narrow smile, crowding and “collisions” of her anterior teeth related to a deep bite, and premature contacts of her crowded lower anterior teeth, especially tooth No. 31 (Figures 1-6).


We submitted her case for Reveal aligners through the Digital Dental Exchange (DDX), a cloud-based online portal for case submission, review, and tracking. In short order, the predicted treatment plan was created and approved.


The initial round was planned for 25 aligners with no attachments and no interproximal reduction (Figures 7-10). The aligners were delivered to the patient with instructions to wear them 2 weeks per set. We saw the patient at 8 weeks (4 aligners in) and witnessed excellent compliance and tracking. Because of this early success, we shortened her aligner intervals to one week each. After 6.5 months of treatment, a remarkable change was noted and documented (Figures 11-16).


Benefits Revealed

This case is now in refinement as a few more details are desired, including a dark triangle reduction in the lower anterior. Overall, the expression of details was very compelling compared to what I have seen with other aligner systems. Using Reveal clear aligners awards my patients and my dental team with a truly excellent experience.


Plus, the clarity, fit, effectiveness, and lack of attachments are all very much appreciated. While this case is just one example of the many successful outcomes I’ve been able to achieve using Reveal, I hope that it has “revealed” some compelling reasons to add this incredible system to your repertoire.