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Pink Differently


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Nicole Chartier, Marketing Communications Manager

Direct: (262) 631-5302 l nchartier@vista-dental.com

Pink Differently

Apex's PinkWave™ is the next generation of curing lights. Equipped with patented QuadWave™ Technology, this curing light decreases the shrinkage of your favorite composite materials by up to 37%, while simultaneously increasing composite hardness by up to 23% when compared to standard blue light curing. QuadWave technology employs four different wavelengths: UV, Blue, Red and Near-infrared (NIR), making PinkWave the first of its kind.

PinkWave stands out from the competition by having the largest curing area capability on the market at 113m2, allowing you to fully cure any size restoration in a single curing cycle. Due to its’ slim design, PinkWave is easily accessible for posterior restorations, without creating patient discomfort.

Featuring a built-in transilluminator for crack and caries detection, this curing light offers improved diagnostic capabilities.  PinkWave features two ergonomically friendly on/off buttons placed on both sides of the handpiece. The light features three modes (standard, ramp, boost). The output of PinkWave is 1640mW/cm2 on standard and ramp and 1865mW/cm2 on boost mode.

Pinkwave curing light pinkwave curing light back

Find out more by visiting www.apexdentalmaterials.com, call 877-418-4782 or email info@apexdentalmaterials



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