What Makes Select HV Etch Unique

By: Dental Product Shopper

Discover how All-Bond Universal and Select HV Etch work together to create strong bonds and long-lasting restorations without sensitivity



Like finding a rogue sock that went missing in the wash, making a match can be a satisfying feat. There’s a lot of matching to be done in dentistry, too, such as the time and effort it takes to create a crown that closely matches natural tooth structure. And when that crown is ready to be placed, it takes the power of perfectly paired restorative materials to ensure a successful result.


While BISCO’s All-Bond Universal offers compatibility with any etching mode, the selective-etch technique—etching enamel, but not dentin, with phosphoric acid—can provide exceptional results. And when used in combination with the company’s Select HV Etch, a 35% high viscosity phosphoric acid etch with benzalkonium chloride (BAC), clinicians not only achieve an excellent bond, but patients needn't worry about postop sensitivity.


Dr. Johan Figueira has used these products together for more than a decade and said it’s clear they were made for each other—which leads to benefits for both him and his patients.


“I don’t have problems with pain and debonding in my clinic,” Dr. Figueira said. “This pair just works really well together.”


A Closer Look at All-Bond Universal


All-Bond Universal has been Dr. Frederick Burger’s go-to adhesive since he first began using it about 8 years ago. In fact, he can’t think of any cases where the bond has failed. Unlike with other adhesives he’s used in the past, sensitivity isn’t an issue with All-Bond Universal, and because there’s no mixing involved, the 1-bottle adhesive saves time.


“You etch the tooth, you put All-Bond Universal on, and you’re ready to go,” he said. “It also flows well, and after drying, it spreads out into a very thin layer. Often, if the material is too viscous, you’ll see a void at the junction between the restoration and the adhesive. I never see that with All-Bond Universal.”


Dr Burger relies on the tried-and-true universal adhesive for traditional crown and bridge cases, as well as when luting zirconia crowns, and he has no intention of changing any time soon.


“I’ve had a few other samples sent to me over the years, but this is the gold standard I use to measure the others by,” Dr. Burger said. “None of the other adhesives are better or even on par with All-Bond Universal, so I always go back to it.” 


What Makes Select HV Etch Unique


Select HV Etch contains BAC, an anti-microbial agent, while its high viscosity makes it ideal for etching enamel.


To achieve that high viscosity, BISCO adds a small “bowl” of polymers, Dr. Figueira said. The thickened material cleans up easily and quickly, so there’s no residue left behind after etching that can degrade bond strength. Blue in color for easy visualization, Select HV Etch conditions tooth structure prior to bonding, offers pinpoint placement, and eliminates dentin run-on—all of which are benefits that lead to a better bond.


“Its thixotropic property is also a benefit,” Dr. Figueira said. “When you apply the etch, it will stay there, so you can be really selective where you place it.”


And while it was developed to work with All-Bond Universal in selective-etch mode, you can turn to it for total-etch and self-etch techniques as well.


Success Is All in the Family


Dr. Figueira relies on the All-Bond Universal/Select HV Etch combination for direct composites, indirect ceramics, and veneer provisionals made from bis-acrylic. He prefers the selective-etch technique as it avoids the risk of over-etching and over-drying dentin, which can lead to sensitivity issues and hamper bond strength.


“I don’t etch dentin at all; I etch the enamel, and then place All-Bond Universal,” Dr. Figueira said. said. “It’s easy to use and easy to teach your team. It’s just 1 bottle, so there's no confusion."


Some etchants are simply too runny and find their way to the dentin during the selective-etch technique. Not Select HV Etch. Its high viscosity keeps the material in place and away from dentin. And even though it can be used with other universal adhesives, it was developed specifically for selective-etching with All-Bond Universal—making this team and technique a slam dunk procedure.


“It comes down to the chemistry,” Dr. Figueira said. “One of the golden rules of bonding is to use the same brand of materials. If you mix products, you are taking the risk of future debonding plus sensitivity, and the patient may feel pain because the chemistry is not the same.”


A Company You Can Trust


Dr. Figueira routinely chooses BISCO materials for their unsurpassed quality. He describes the small company as a family, adding that the customer service it provides is second to none. The BISCO team has a reputation for excellence, and certainly lives up to that by continuing to create research-backed products that work seamlessly together and provide patients with the best possible results.


“This combination really works,” he said of All-Bond Universal and Select HV Etch. “It really is the perfect match.”

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