ZirClean: The Key to Achieving Optimal Adhesion


ZirClean: The Key to Achieving  Optimal  Adhesion 

Easy to dispense from a user-friendly, 5-gram syringe, ZirClean quickly and effectively cleans the bonding surface of a zirconia, ceramic, or metal crown after intraoral try-in

"An effective cleansing protocol is a key element responsible for conditioning the restoration’s bonding surface to achieve optimal adhesion,” said Kapish Goyal, DDS, adding that his cleansing protocol is particularly important when it comes to using zirconia, a material that has been steadily rising in popularity thanks to its extraordinary strength. While strength is certainly a good quality in a restorative material, during crown try-in, saliva phosphates and zirconia form ionic bonds, depleting the number of available bonding sites on the zirconia surface.1 So, simply rinsing the zirconia restoration with water, ethanol, or acetone will not suffice. To neutralize the phosphate contamination, the zirconia surface must be cleaned with an alkaline solution.2,3

Luckily, BISCO has been at the forefront of the zirconia evolution, researching and developing materials designed specifically to combat zirconia-related challenges. Case in point is ZirClean, a non-abrasive cleaning gel that cleans the bonding surface of a zirconia, ceramic, or metal crown after intraoral try-in. It provides a better bonding surface by removing phosphate and other contaminants. ZirClean is sold and used with disposable syringe tips for easy dispensing, and according to BISCO, it can be thoroughly rinsed off with a spray of water for quick and efficient cleanup.

"ZirClean effectively cleans the contaminated intaglio surface after try-in, freeing up the bonding sites of phosphate ions released from the saliva.”

- Kapish Goyal, DDS, FAGD

A Go-To Cleansing Gel That’s Easy to Deliver

Dr. Goyal, whose dental practice is based in Virginia Beach, VA, said that ZirClean’s “gel consistency can be managed well, leading to even contact.” Indicated for extraoral cleaning of pre-treated ceramic, zirconia, and metal restoration surfaces that have been contaminated during intraoral try-in, ZirClean helps achieve reliable adhesive cementation results.*

“The case of effective cleansing is important when isolation is a challenge, especially in nonretentive preps with lack of effective and sufficient tooth structure for bonding,” Dr. Goyal shared. “It effectively cleans the contaminated intaglio surface after try-in, freeing up the bonding sites of phosphate ions released from the saliva. This results in more effective adhesion and increases the predictability of bonding.”

Dr. Goyal further explained: “Proprietary carboxylate functional monomers such as BISCO’s Z-Prime Plus enhance the bond of resin-based luting cements for adhesive cementation and have proved superior to conventional cementation.” In tandem with ZirClean, he has used other BISCO products during indirect procedures, including TheraBase, a dual-cured, calcium and fluoride releasing, self-adhesive base/liner designed to polymerize even in deep restorations where light cannot reach.

One feature that makes ZirClean stand out as a go-to cleaning gel for Dr. Goyal is its ZirClean’s controlled dispensing from a syringe, which allows for an easy and precise placement where it’s needed with zero material waste. After placement, it takes about 20 seconds for the material to perform its cleaning protocol before being rinsed off with water. “It was easy to prep the crown and easy to train my assistant,” Dr. Goyal said. “Its unique chemistry sets it apart so it can be used for a variety of crowns.”


1. B Yang 1, H C Lange-Jansen, M Scharnberg, S Wolfart, K Ludwig, R Adelung, M Kern. Influence of saliva contamination on zirconia ceramic bonding. Dent Mater. 2008 Apr;24(4):508-1

2. M A Attia, K K Ebeid. Effect of decontamination methods on shear bond strength of resin cement to translucent monolithic zirconia. Brazilian Dental Science, Vol 23, Sept 2020

3. S A Feitosa, D Patel, A L S Borges, E Z Alshehri, M A Bottino, M Özcan, L F Valandro, M C Bottino. Effect of cleansing methods on saliva-contaminated zirconia--an evaluation of resin bond durability. Den Mat. Mar-Apr 2015

*As compared to untreated samples. Data on file.

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